Wednesday, December 20, 2006

On Tuesday's episode of Corie...

Tuesday's Agenda:
6:45 Wake up & shower... [while Greg gets the kids up (bless him)]
8:15 Take Henry to Daycare
8:30-11:15 work furiously on vinyl siding brochure
11:20 Drive to Grand Rapids at lunch to sign about 85 mortgage papers
12:30 Celebrate the new hefty-mortgage at lunch with Greg at The Dog Pit
1:15 Drive back home to color-correct vinyl siding house photos
3:15 Prepare last minute items for Maddie's Brownie meeting. (chop lemons, find appropriate-color crayons, sharpen pencils)
3:30 Drive to school to pick-up Maddie and friends, and then drive them to community center for Brownie meeting
4:00-5:30 Lead 16 screaming girls in a TryIt badge on the 5 Senses... watch in amusement as they taste baker's chocolate. This is somehow satisfying and might be the highlight of the day.
5:30-5:50 Wait for all the moms to come get their girls.
6:00 Pick-up Henry from daycare
6:15 Go home, find 3 messages on the answering machine from 1 co-dependent freelance client
6:45 Feed family supper (which is really breakfast since we had eggs and sausages)
7:00 Clean up
7:15 Bathe children (convince Henry to wear only clean pair of PJs he has... this part took 20 min. "I NO LIKE THEM!")
7:45 Bedtime stories, songs, cuddles...
8:50 Sit at desk, call client #1
9:00 Call client #2, spend 50 min. on the phone trying not to snigger at her. (why yes, I can adjust the color on your Foam Crab Head Visor, we wouldn't want it to look ridiculous would we?)
9:55 Work until 1:15am on a Foam-finger Product Catalog (I did take a cat-nap for 10 min. on my keyboard at about 11:45)
1:25am go to bed...

Wednesday: REPEAT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there seems to be alot of highlights in your day. lunch at the dog pit, for one. all this on a day that you work, what do you do on your days off?? g.