Tuesday, October 30, 2007

my little punkins.

Greg took Henry and Meg to get pumpkins and apples from the farmstand this weekend. So we had some carving-time on Sunday. Henry insisted that his pumpkin be "super scary"... so it has big, pointy teeth. Maddie was very specific about all the cuts made to her pumpkin, including the vampire fangs. I gave Meg a happy, smiley pumpkin. Sorta just like her.

And some of the Honey Crisp apples became caramel apples. Yum-o, especially when topped with M&M's.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

monster mash.

Today Maddie and I had some good 'ol wholesome, fall fun. We headed up to our local Girl Scout camp with her brownie troop for the annual Monster Mash.

As you can see, we went on a hayride (which was jumpy/bumpy) but it was nice to be out in the woods with smell of fall leaves in the air around us. We also decorated gourds, went through their haunted house (about 5 times), had a scavenger hunt and trick-or-treating around the campgrounds. Not to mention a healthy snack of carrot sticks and celery, with ranch dip dyed red (like "blood" I suppose?) mmm... healthy.

The girls had a blast. And we proudly boasted that our troop had the most witches (I went as Professor McGonagal, so I counted too!). There were other groups with several Hannah Montanas. But as our girls pointed out, you can have several kinds of witches, but only one kind of Hannah.

Ahh, witches unite!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Meg @ 9 weeks.

Meg just had her latest check-up and is doing great. She checks in at 11 lbs. 7 oz. and 22 inches long. The doctor says she eats as much as a 4-month-old... what a shocker, she is a little chow-hound.

She was also subjected to all those nasty shots. Henry did not like them hurting his baby sister to say the least. He kept telling her to be brave like he was. (he just got a flu shot on Friday) Some early sibling solidarity showing through there.

Not much else new here... getting ready for Halloween next. Although it was 75º here this weekend (thus, Meg's little shortie outfit), so it doesn't really feel like next week will be November.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

attack of the spiders!

This year, I was lucky enough to get a big box of spiders in the mail from my Dad. (Awww, thanks dad!)

And consequently, my porch has become their new lair. Perhaps they'll snag some whiney neighbor child in their web.

Wishful halloween thinking.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

all clean.

At 8 weeks, getting a bath is no longer a scary thing, but fun and relaxing for Meg. (it also gives her those cute little curls)

Friday, October 12, 2007

good-bye summer.

On October 7 it was 88º here in Michigan, so we decided to make it down to our beach for the last time this season. Even Meg dipped her little toes in the lake. Can't wait for summer to come again.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

fun with Jess and Max.

We had a nice visit from my very good friend Jessica and her little boy Maxwell. They drove up from South Bend and spent a few days with us when Greg was out of town last week. It was great catching up and playing with the kids, since we never get to see each other anymore.

Maxwell and Meg share a birthday (he just turned one). He's a cute little guy, and we were saying how him and Henry look enough alike, that they could be related. They played together really well, and Max eagerly followed Henry around everywhere. (just like a little brother!)

We went to the zoo on Friday and enjoyed the 85º weather... and the kids got to visit the tiger and meet the new lion, brush the goats and laugh at the swimming penguins. Meg slept, and was pushed around in her carriage mostly, looking like a doll in her summer dress. Needless to say, both moms were tuckered by the time we left for home, and thankfully, so were the boys.

Hopefully we will see each other soon and let the kids run wild once again.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

some good advice.

So here it is. 25 cubic feet of modern refrigeration. Its almost too large to photograph.
It also came with the attached warning, "Don't place live animals in the refrigerator."

Um, thanks for the advice.