My little elf here was missing for about three years,
(lost in a box-within-a-box in my basement after the move before last.)
I was so sad when I couldn't find her (along with many other old ornaments that were my grandmother's).
They now all have a place back on my tree.
And needless to say, Christmas can now begin. ;-)
i'm so glad you found the 'elf', i always thout it was a brought a tear to my many memoories, just want them to live on......
who is this anonymous person missing my elf???
and of course its a she! look at her cute cheeks and long eyelashes!
of corse it's a he..just look at henry's cute cheeks and long lalshes...he looks like an 'elf'.
well, out of all the elves that lived in our house, I always thought this one was a girl.
don't forget to feed your elf some maple syrup on his/her noodles...
maple syrup??? it will get all sticky, i never thought of them, the elfs that is,as either he's or she's.....just elfs..
you gapa's!
just don't let your dad get ahold of that will be hidden again! On another note, I'm liking your's going to be great taking a peak into your life this way. a.s.
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