well, we had a busy and fun-filled weekend. Maddie and I saw High School Musical on Ice, it was pretty cool. We made a bunny cake and Hot Cross Buns for Easter Day. Henry had a great time coloring eggs and decorating them in his own way. Meg even had some fun crawling into the Easter baskets whenever she got the chance.

egg decorating... so artsy.

Henry's 3-eyed "monster egg"

Here's Meg tearing-up the Easter basket.

I even made Hot Cross Buns. It only took a mere 4 hours to complete, but they were pretty darn good. (It inspired Greg to play the song on his recorder, if he still had it)

mmmm. bunny cake.
maddie, squeezing meg til her eyes pop...henry's monster eggs...meg,dumping baskets...your bunny cake...what a fun filled easter...great memories...g
you tell a great story and made me laugh...did henry actually eat those eggs...and i can see the kids had a hand in decorating the bunny cake...your a great mom...
i remember when my sister wore my hand me downs...so glad you saved things for times just like this...
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