At 6 months, Meg is a very busy baby:
- Rolling herself into corners, and getting stuck
- Rocking on her knees
- Doing the army-crawl around the living room
- Sitting up in her high-chair
- Eating mushy fruits and veggies
- Eating her toes
- Singing to her blanket
- Flirting with the baby in the mirror
- Wrestling her toy-turtle
- Practicing her super, Kung-foo grip on our necks
- Making goo-goo eyes at Daddy
- Smiling at her big sister and brother
that's sure alot for six months...can hardly to see what the next six months bring...the title suits her to a tee...g
That is the cutest picture I've ever seen!
traveling through sleet and snow, scary
trying to walk in your shoes, tiresome
cuddling 'cutie-patootie',
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