Here are some snaps from our Start of Summer parade and carnival...highlights:
* Sat in the drizzle until the parade started... but the weather eventually cleared-up.
* Maddie handed-out candy and marched in the parade with our school. (she also helped paint the Assumption Eagle float with her class)
* Henry collected about 2 lbs of candy from Rockford's gutters, misc bookmarks/literature, 3 necklaces and one t-shirt.
* Kids rode the big ferris-wheel, bumper cars, motorcycles, went through the fun-house and attempted the climbing wall.
* Ate cotton candy.
* Ate cotton candy flavored Hawaiian Ice.
* Ate much more carnival food than desired.
* Made/painted free t-shirts compliments of our local toy-store.
* Meg zonked-out in her stroller.
* Ended-up having a nice, sunny afternoon and worn-out kids!