Greg and I always wondered why everyone goes "up North"... and now we know. Our Memorial Day weekend was driven by curiosity, more specifically a European-style bike road race, The Tour de Leelanau.
Being the cycling enthusiast, Greg always wanted to see a real road race, and I thought it was just a good idea for everybody to get out of town. So we got ourselves a hotel room at Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City for two nights and took a mini-vacation. (we surprised the kids when we got there) Of course, the kids loved Great Wolf (their camp-style bunk bed room with their own TV and the water park just down the hall) and we all had fun driving around Leelanau county watching the bike race at various points, cheering them along. We also got a taste of the countryside mixed with the maritime feel of the Lake Michigan shore.
In fact, we liked the area so much, we booked a cabin for a week in August on Lake Leelanau. Score!
We also discovered that Henry could spend all day on the beach throwing rocks into Lake Michigan, and Madeleine doesn't like to watch bike races in the rain. Meg is easy, she likes everything. Most especially the little fountains at the water park, where she would crawl up to and get drenched head to toe. Another mermaid in the family, like her sister who also could spend all day in the water. (The best thing about the water park is that it made all the kids dog-tired. They were passed-out by 8pm.)
Tour de Leelanau... a pretty great way to begin the summer.